9th Annual 2023 Husker Salute 4 Person Golf Scramble

This summer, Husker Salute is sponsoring it's eighth Husker Salute 4-person golf scramble to support Nebraska's active military and veterans. The event will again will be near Ashland NE at Ashland Golf Club beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 23rd. All proceeds from the scramble will go toward this years annual fall event for Husker Fans Salute the Troops Foundation. Meet former Husker football players, bid on husker memorabilia, compete in various flag prizes and join in on multiple challenges throughout the course. Every year we have a special guest speaker which has not been announced just yet.
Early Bird pricing until March 31st is $120 per golfer (or $480 per team) after April 1st the price goes up to $130 per golfer ($520 per team)
The cost includes green fees, cart, prizes, sack lunch, post golf meal, drinks, door prizes, flag prizes and top team score prizes. This event is open to everyone. Bring yourself or a team and join the fun.
We are looking for golfers, hole sponsors and donations for additional prizes. Husker Salute is a 501(c)(3) tax deductible non-profit organization thus all donations are tax deductible. Golfers can register or individuals can donate to our cause. To donate or to register, please click on the GolfStatus link that will take you to our new registration/donation page.
Not a golfer? For $250.00 or more you can sponsor a hole. We will dedicate a hole to you or your company with a sign that is placed on a Tee Box with your name or company on it you can even come out and join us to advertise and encourage the golfers. It's a great way to show the golfers your support of our Military men and women. New this year is the opportunity to be a pin flag sponsor. All eyes will be on your brand! Pin flags are the focal point of the hole and get your brand in front of every single golfer. This premium sponsorship includes your logo and/or messaging on high-quality pin flags on the golf course on the day of the tournament. For more information on this sponsorship and others go to Golfstatus and check what is available to help support Husker Fans Salute the Troops Golf Scramble, Fall Event and others.
Also for $150.00 you can sponsor a Disabled Veteran who will be able to attend the golf scramble for free.
You can also fill out the downloadable entry form here and and send it with a check to:
Husker Salute
PO Box 85244
Lincoln, NE 68501
Location: Ashland Golf Club
16119 Hwy 6
Ashland, NE 68003
Date: Stay tuned for next years date
Check in 8:30 am
Shotgun Start at 10:00 am